Easydoable Applications

It’s easy to remember us “Easy-doable!”
Empowering management on your fingertips through an application suite for franchisee owners!

Mobile ready

Easydoable has evolved with data management knowledge from our practical operations, our day-to day experiences and knowledge of treating customers.

We offer six different applications that are mobile and web friendly to help not just fast food stores but also other applicable stores run smoothly from day to day operations such as reporting, accounting, book-keeping, customer satisfaction just to name a few.

An app for Each
& Everyone

If you are currently using any kind of app to track functions of your business, Easydoable has the solution to your problems. Easydoable applications will greatly increase your business’s productivity! This results in higher overall customer satisfaction, low employee turnovers, and highly accurate reporting hence increase in your profit margins.

Here, your customer complaints are swiftly managed! Hence, your guest handlers or customer support can review each complaint from its cause to resolve any issues. This is an all in one app that combines all of your guest/customer complaints from all of your stores to monitor each step in order for you to provide better customer service.

Use Ops book effectively, Activity and Compliance Monitoring, Automation of Resolving Process, Group or Each Store Monitoring.

Easydoable-DSR is very user-friendly tool to keep on-the-minute tracking of all aspects your business - on the go! It is connected with QSR register and integrated with accounting software - so with instant exchange capability it delivers to you a report of sales - for each unit, for each store or a consolidated report of group of stores. Each minute you know what's happening where and what needs to be done to easily manage your stores!

This application makes hiring and record keeping of your employees simple and compliant. Prospects can complete the simple online application process, including uploading of necessary documents, which is connected with Basic Pilot Program (of DHS) - so it ensures proper completion of the Employment Eligibility Verification. It is all duly recorded and saved. Thus, the employee verification becomes a part filing of employer's human resources.

Keep up with fast paced management technique by having full control of customer satisfaction at your fingertips! Avoid long phones, text messages, and emails or spread sheets to monitor what’s a priority – customer satisfaction! Make sure that a designated member is responding fully to resolve each and every complain. Manage all of your customer complaints from all your stores all in one single app!


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Coffes a day

All the best features

#1 in Sales!
Smart “RedBook” (using cloud and IoT)
Modern Design
24/7 Support
Easy to use
Lots of automation